Changing Times owes its name to the first OTTB that founder, Katrine Nielsen, first took ownership of. Like many OTTB's his name was changed from his track name to meet his personality - Timmy became his given name and one he would thrive in. Katrine first met Timmy when he was 9yo. He was a bag of bones, but she soon discovered that this was not due to abuse, but to an almost two year battle for his life.

He had had an abnormal and violent reaction to his annual vaccinations which resulted in thousands of dollars of vet bills and treatments that seemed to do nothing. Believing him to be on the brink of death, his owner had turned him out to pasture to live his remaining days as he liked. Through his strength his body decided to heal instead. The mental toll however was not something his owner could do again, so Timmy was gifted to Katrine's trainer at the time and she started a lease on him. In her own words "I wasn’t sold at first, he wasn’t very personable and could be a very awkward ride. I almost quit on him after month one, but I figured I could do another 4 weeks despite it all. At week 7 I felt like I was just grinding it out still. It was like he knew he was hitting his 'time-limit' with me somehow, and in week 8 he just began to blossom".

For the next six years they were an inseparable pair, conquering their fears and finding their way. A personal cross-roads was hit after this and Katrine had to part ways with Timmy in the best way she knew how. Katrine gifted him to a trusted family at the time, one she knew would show the care and devotion to him that she had.

Life events sometimes have a way of correcting themselves as times change and a few years later he found his way back to Katrine. Though Timmy was not destined to have an exceptionally long life Katrine was blessed to spend another 3 years with him. He passed quietly in a pasture at the age of 23. Timmy lives on in Katrine’s approach and dedication to the horses she fosters, granting them a new lease on life as she did with Timmy.